#Tittle Tattle Thurday

Hey guys so I have decided to keep these on Thursday I may change my mind but for the minute they are staying on a Thursday . So today I thought I would share some of my favourite you tube channels and blogs to watch and read for my chatty post this week  .

So this idea actually came to me while catching with some of my favourites and I thought why not share because while I do watch/read bigger channels and blogs. I  also like to support the small communities so in no order lets crack on . 

My first person I have to mention is mammaful zoe I love this women I have emailed her with problems commented on her videos and she never fails to get back to me . She also has a blog and she is truly some one who I know I can trust if she tells me something is rubbish I will trust her on that she is very honest and I love her ooddles and ooddles. 

Next up is kammi from beautybookblog.com now she hasn't blogged in ages but when she does I love it but life gets in the way some times as it does with most of us but I  would still say go have look. Her blog is beautiful and post very in depth and detailed. 

Next up on my list has to be maddie from the blog qworter life crisis I just love her writting style it feels like she is actually talking to you  her blog as been running just over year but I love her and you tube videos too . 

Now a big you tuber who you have probably heard of and that is vivianna does make up this girl and I are just on the same page the only way we differ is she runs and don't run any where if you saw me run you would totally understand why . She is another one I just love her writing style and I love her weekly vlogs . She may be a big you tuber but she still comes across as real person and still very grounded .

I think that is all my beauty related people for vlogs which are like my favourite things to watch I love Ellie and Jared , The schuerman show , daily bumps , sacconejolys  and hannah maggs weekly vlogs . 

I dunno if the post was a good idea or not but I figured you might be interested to know who I keep up  in the blogging and you tube world . If you think there is any one I should check out leave them below and will see next time. 

bye guys

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