
Hey guy so today I am not going babble about my life but I am going to talk to you about new discovery a rabbit hole I have fallen down and I have become a bit obsessed .

Planners OMG this is a whole you tube community of organisational enthusiasts and I love it but once you have dipped your toe in the water it is very hard not get pulled in. I have spent the past week watching what's in my planner videos and how to create your inserts for your planner and how to decorate your planner  the lists goes on . I have even dug out my old filofax although now to small so I have new one on the way . Which how this week my blog as been so consistent because I have lay on my desk open on the week so I can see what I need to do . 

This is not really new thing as when in school my planner was my best friend and I used make new covers for it to cover up the boring school one . Decorate it with highlighters gel pens I used colour code my timetable was uber organised and for this I was relentlessly teased. But now I have job bills to pay and blog to maintain I miss my super organised self as I forget so much stuff . I cant wait for this new planner to come and I am hoping this is will help and benefit you guys and help me stick to my posting days . 

When I have had my new planner a while and if you would like I will do a blog post on it if you don't want it that fine . But with me wanting to go back to training I thought now would be a good time to start organising my self so when I have coursework to do I am not forgetting everything else .  

I hope you enjoyed this post its a bit different form my normal Tittle Tattle Thursdays but a change is good once in a while . Tell me below do have secret planner obsession ? I would love to know 

bye guys

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