Make up Monday: Maybelline Colour Elixir

Hey guys so I am here with yet another make up monday if you have any requests for these then please let me know anyway lets crack on .

So I am not sure how long these have been out here the uk but ever since I knew about this product I have wanted it . So these are meant to be a three way hybrid between a lipstick , lip balm and gloss so lot to achieve there . They are meant to have the pigment of lipstick the moisture of balm and the high finish of gloss.

So the shade I have here on my leg because it was the only way I could get a half decent picture lol is the shade blush essence . The thing I like most about this product is the fact it is not sticky at all I hate lip gloss because of the stickiness. This is so comfortable to wear on the lips not drying or stick just nice and moisturising .

The pigmentation is not quite there but it does layer nicely to get the colour there is about three coats on this swatch . However this is some thing I would layer over a lipstick not wear along but that is merely preference . The gloss and balm is definitely there it give a really nice shine to the lips as well as being very moisturising and comfortable to wear as I said before .

Overall I really love this product and would recommend it especially if you not great fan of gloss because of the sickness factor this is a great option to still get that shine .

bye guys

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