Blogmas Day 6: Fall Make Up Favourites

Hi guys so it time for some favourites for this time of year and some general favourites .You all enjoying blogmas so far ? lets crack on .

So to day I am going to talk to you about some of my fall favourites some things I have been loving for this time of year.  There is a lot  of things from make up to skincare to tools so I am going spilt in two make up on post skincare and tool another post. So lets dive in with the make up as that is what most of you are interested in. 

So lets kick off with the thing I have reviewed most recently which is the benefit big easy if you didn't see the review I will link it here. This is so natural look doesn't cake and lasts well I feel this would probably good for oily girls . It works well on my dry skin but the reason I say it maybe better for oily girls is because it is cream to powder finish.

Moving to the lip product you spy this is one of the Revlon matt balm in shameless and it a beautiful matt purple I just love it I think I will probably do a FOTD so you can see how it looks. The staying power is good and the biggest bonus is it doesn't get on your teeth result! 

Now on to some thing very exciting this was in my recently make up revolution haul and it is my new brow pencil. I used be in love the MUA power brow but now you can only get it on line and it is a bit pain to get hold off . So I ordered this it cheaper version of the soap glory brow pencil with the felt tip on one end pencil on other end. The pencil is amazing how the felt tip end has dried up already and I have only had it few weeks but I love the pencil its self . 

I have a nail polish here to which is not really make up but I am going to stick it in here any way as it doesn't really fit else where . Now there as been a fair bit of hype around the maybelline super stay 7 days polishes . I just dismissed it as nail polish never stays on me but this lasts longer than 24 hours on me which is a big deal. I can get  3 maybe 4 days out of this amazing I have red colour and berry colour.

So that it for today post and will see you all in the next day of blogmas for the other half of this post since I have rambled too much in this one .

bye guys

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