The Beauty Blogger tag

Hey guys so today I decided  to do a tag post as I enjoy writing them and I think it lets you lot get to know me more. 

1. Why did you start blogging and how long have you been blogging for?  
I started blogging because I was reading blog and saw the community it created and how people actually listen to your opinions and thought it would be fun to do it myself . I have been blogging for a year and half I still love it I find it great fun .

2. Who's blog did you fall in love with first?
It was miss budget beautyy as she blogged everyday and there was always something different it also made me realise you dont just have to blog about high end products as i though this for a long time .

3. What was the first blogosphere hyped about product that you bought? Was it worth the hype? 
I think it was the revlon lip butters and at the  time I didn't think they where but with time they have grown on me funny how things do that. 

4. What are you five favourite things about blogging and being a Beauty Blogger?
1. reading other people thoughts and opinions on products that maybe you didn't like or have already reviewed .
2. the community you enter in to I know this sounds weird but if you question when you start blogging you find all these other bloggers and if a question you just ask and you get a response it amazing a especially the twitter community.
3. Watching your hard work pay off and your blog grow is amazing you start your blog and you think no will veiw then you start gaining followers and it is just and amazing feeling .
4.Writting my blog I love spending time putting the effort take nice pictures and change up my blog design to make look pretty and more attractive  
5. Comment this kinda goes with couminty but you migth realy scared to post something and then you get a really nice comment and you think I am so glad someone enjoys the effort I put in I  don't get many comments but that fine because the few I get are special.

5. What have you learnt from being a Beauty Blogger? 
 I have learnt a lot form blogging one is that I can do anything if I put my mind to even if the though scares me if I really want it I can do it .  That I have quite of commitment I blog everyday and that takes a lot of hard work. I have also had some great conversion with wonderful bloggers. 

6.Have you changed anything since becoming a Beauty Blogger? 
No not really I have gone though a few cameras because I am klutz's I will say thing have clear pictures is a must if you are blogger if people cant see what your talking about then they wont stick around.

7. What advice would you give to a beauty blogger just starting out? 
Don't do it for any other reason than you want to and you enjoy it if you do it for any other reason you will get bored . Just be yourself if your not it shows through and do it because you have passion for what you are talking about make sure your pictures are best they you can do. When I started I just used my phone and it worked for while . Until you know you want to carry then don't worry about fancy pants equipment .

8.what are your 5 top make up brands?
Maybeillne - There mascara duh amazing 
Bourjois- I love there foundations 
Benefit- for there primers and blushers
Mac- lipstick love although over priced 
sleek - I love there blusher and bronzer

9.My top 5 beauty products ?

Maybelline colossal volume 
Porefession primer
Sleek face from in light 
Revlon nearly naked powder 
Maybeline colour tattoos I cant pick a colour  

I hope you enjoyed this tag and learnt something about me or blogging I will be back tomorrow as always with another post. I there are any tags you like to do let me know. 

bye guys

p.s I tag you if you want to do it 

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