Hair Care Routine

Hey guys what is this not an FOTD Friday  well yeah I don't have a video for you today as I have not filmed one oops but my days just seem to be running away with me recently. 

So I have decided instead that we are going to have chin wag about hair instead and I have very exciting video for you on Monday instead to make up for it. So as you may or may not no I had my hair chopped about 6 months ago I had chopped in to a jaw length  bob. It is generally the best thing I ever did for my hair it grown back so much healthier and thicker as it was thinning but it was all down to me straightening it everyday. So I want to share with you how I now look after  my new revived hair as thought this could be interesting.

So first thing is wash my hair with Vo5 nourish my shine shampoo and conditioner omg this shampoo and conditioner  makes hair oh so smooth and shiny and as soft silk. I have dry curly hair that has tendency to frizz but this is just the best shampoo I have ever used. Once a week I  use my clarifying shampoo by tresemme and then same conditioner . I don't wash my hair  everyday but I wash it two/ three times a week in case you were wondering .

Then after I get out the shower I 90% of the time  leave to dry naturally so I put it in my Aussie Miracle hair insurance leave in conditioner and my Toni and guy heat defence . I if do need dry my hair and tend to wait as long as can to let it dry naturally as I  find it easer to style that way. So I try to leave till its 80 to 90 % dry before blow drying it with my Toni and guy hair dryer. If I do dry it I do blow dry it straight with a round brush and then use my straighteners again Toni and guy to straighten the ends . I then generally  but my dove dry shampoo in to give it a bit more volume as when I straighten it does then to go a bit limp .

I hope you found this interesting there will be post on Monday to go with Monday video which I think you are all going to love. I would just to say this is post is NOT sponsored I just thought it would be interesting . If you have long damaged hair I would suggest getting it chopped because it looks and feels so much better when it is healthy and it grow better too . I will see in tomorrow post which I haven't yet written so any suggestions welcome I always read and reply to you in comments and on twitter.

bye guys 

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