A week in the world of lips : rimmel kate moss lipstick in shade 26

Hey so I have come up with a idea for you guys if you have been with me a while you will remember that in october I did an avon week which you all really enjoyed and when this blog really took off .

So today I have been photographing and realised I have a lot of lip products that I need to review so I have decided to make this a thing a week in the world of lips every day I am going review a lip product complete with swatch my thoughts and how often I have worn it. So to kick it off I am going to start with the lipstick I am wearing today which is  the rimmel by kate lipstick I have two of these a red which I love but I am never brave enough to wear and a nude.

So this is what I would call a true a nude and what I mean by that is it is not a brown nude or pink nude it is just nude. It has a very creamy formula its not drying on the lips it lasts a well as matt lipstick would but it is not a matt finish it is what I would call a satin finish. when I wear this I tend wear a lip gloss over the top just to add some dimension to my lips otherwise it can look a bit flat on my pale skin.

Sorry the light is not the best in this picture I really need to need a new camera for blogging I am using my phone at the moment and I miss my pretty pictures. Any way that is besides the point this is the lipstick on there maybe some gloss still on but I tried to get most off  it so you could see it in its natural state. 

This is swatched on my hand completely different looks like a brown nude and on the lips it is the completely different. However you can see the finish better in this picture and what I mean when I say it is not a an entirely matt finish it has not got shimmer in it I know it looks like it has .I was swatching some lip products for video on my channel and there is still some glitter on my hand. I wear this lipstick quite often as I think it is a really nice natural nude on me. I would say I wear it at least twice three time a month which considering the amount of lip sticks I own is quite often. You can buy this from boots or superdrug and I think it is £5.49 so really quite well priced for lipstick these days. I hope you enjoy this week if you want to get involved feel free to tweet me pics and thoughts  on this idea and of you lipstick of the day or show me on instagram using #aweekintheworldoflips. 

bye guys 

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