lost the will to blog

Hey guys so it has been ages since I have done a blog post for but I have tried to sit down and write a post for you guys but my heart is just not in it.

Funny Friendship Ecard: I miss being the age where I thought I would have my shit together by the time I was the age I am now.

This E card is from here if it offends i am sorry but it just some up so well my life right now 

I love my blog but so much as happened over the past month and it has just left me a bit in the dumps and I am trying to  pull myself out or find the will to sit down and review a product .I haven't even been wearing any make up for about a week and half i haven't worn anything . Which is doing my skin the world of good but when I come to blog I have all these products photographed and ready and I haven't used then in while because I haven't used any make up and when I have it has been the same things I have been using so that not very interesting . I mean I could updated everyday makeup post if you would like I dunno was doing so well now everything has fallen apart . Sorry you guys must really bored of these chatty posts and my moaning after all this is mainly a beauty blog .

I am doing good on my shred only 4 more days then on level 2 is that something you would be interested hearing about. i am not going to stop blogging I don't want you to think that i just need to find a way to get my self back in to it i don't want  put up  half hearted posts for you guys because you will know when I haven't really tried or researched something. I am going to try some more fashion posts as I am going to get some new stuff this week as I am running low on some basics ands other things I just want to play with my style and bit and see if i like it. I can do a haul on my channel if you're interested or wish list I am going to really try to get back in routine but it very hard at the moment I don't really want to go in to what has happened on the internet but  I will tell you guys at some point when I am ready.  

Sorry I promise I will try and have some more exciting posts for you soon just bear with me i really want to do a giveaway soon but life got in the way. 

bye guys 

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