#Tittle Tattle Thursday

Hey guys so I have been gone last  week and I am going to explain but the only thing I can say  is Thank god its Thursday because this last week  has been the week from hell.

So the week before last as you may know I hurt my back and had sacitca down my leg so I could barely move last week and so I blogged. This week now the sacita has been better just more of an ache down my leg . Tuesday I had to go to witchurch to do some training for my new job  witch I will talk about later . 

Then this past week I literally had the week from hell as I mentioned I had the week from hell . So as I mention earlier I went to witchurch this did not not go uneventfully I ended having some back in to me but that all sorted now. But also that day I was hour late for work I was not impressed I also thought I had gotten a speeding ticket but has not yet arrived so I am begin to think that I didn't get one fingers crossed . 

So now on to the exciting news today is my last day at my current job yay because I have finally got a job in care which I start a week on Monday . I wanted a week to refresh and stock up on blog posts so I don't go awol again as I hate it when I don't blog for week or so . So as for the blog thing I will not be doing Tittle Tattle Thursdays every week I am go to switch between these and wish list Wednesday . Now you may all be thinking where have FOTD Fridays gone they have not gone but I am think of alternating them with OOTDS as I am running out of make inspiration lol so if any ideas or request for what you want to see let me either or on twitter  @horsefashbeauty.

Bye Guys

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