Beauty Tuesday : Maybelline sensational mascara

Hey guys I am sorry I have been gone for a week but all will be explained in tittle tattle thursday so keep your eyes peeled for . So let crack on with todays post 

So today I am going to talk to you about a new mascara I have been trying out and has been all over blogs and you tube . It is the new Maybelline mascara which is the lash sensational  lash multiplying mascara . Now this mascara claims to give the look of layers and layers of lashes to give the look of lots of volume. This I can say I can happily say it does this is makes you look like have lost of lashes and lots of volume. 

Now the brush it has a very strange looking wand and not something I would normal use but it does work. so the brush as one side that has shorted bristle and side that has longer bristles and the point of this is to try and grab even the smallest of lashes to give you that volume .  The wand is a plastic wand not a natural bristle brush. 

The formula claims that is has a low wax count so this is meant help make the lashes look more defined and not clumpy. I don't find it to this I just find it to make the formula very wet which on my hooded eyes causes it smudge on to my socket bone on good . So I have go over this mascara I have wear a waterproof one to prevent this . 

So overall would I repurchase this mascara yes I would I buy this over my colossal volume for the main reason of it does clump as easy . The only thing is I wish they would bring out a waterproof version to prevent the smudging and because it helps with holding a curl especially in my lashes. Hope you enjoyed this really long post but I wanted to give as much detail as possible and will see you on Thursday. 

Bye Guys

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