The weekend post: Back to work getting organised

Hey guys so on Monday I go back to work but these past two week I have done really well with my blog so I am determined to keep up what I have been doing.

original picture form here 

So these past two weeks I have filmed enough YouTube videos for few weeks so that means I have two blog posts a week that are ready sorted . Then  I just have two blog posts a week to think off so here my plan Monday Friday blog post will what ever is going on my channel Saturday will be week end post so it could be anything I but I think I am going to try and put and outfit of the day on then and then Wednesday will be random it might be chatty post it might be a review it could be food related anything but that is my plan to post 4 days a week Monday, Wednesday ,Friday ,Saturday and my channel will remain Monday and Friday.  

So now how getting organised comes in I am going to try and schedule all my blog post write them all on weekend schedule them all for the week .However I am not sure what time to post them so any suggestion on are welcome I think around 7ish . The other reason I am trying to get organised is because next year I want to go back to college and do a make up and hair course it is something I have want to do for long time . So next year I am going to do it I just need a year to get my self sorted finish my driving lessons do some saving and then I will be good to go. My sister has gone to a ball to night so  I might ask her to write a blog post about for you guys and show you her outfit and makeup . Tomorrow i am going to go and buy and mid year dairy so I put  my shifts, driving lessons and paysdays in it . So that is today quick post and I will see you all on monday.

bye guys

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