Fotd friday : back to school

Hey guys today I am going to share with you a make up look I use when I cant be bothered and to be quite honest  what used wear in school and college. 

So I have gone very natural and glowly and if want to know more then go check out todays video on my channel .Which took me  two days to edit because I gave lots of tips and advice as well as talk you through the make up so I really appreciate it for you go have a look at that.

So lets kick off for this look I didn't use an actual base I just used a concealer as I figured it more natural and if you have good skin. Which in school I always did then you don't really need but I do talk you through so options for base in the video. I used the seventeen stay time concealer as it one of my favourites and I reviewed it a  few days for you guys so I will I leave you a link for that. I powdered with my Revlon nearly naked powder just to set it and if  you have oily skin you can use it to control your oil as well.

Then sticking with base I then wanted to add some glow to my skin so I cracked out the highlighter and for this I used my Revlon skin lights .I  just popped this on tops of my cheek bones to add bit of light and glow to my face.I then contoured my face with the bronzer from my sleek contour kit I have to do this because I  have fat face but if you want you could use it to just warm up your face and add a bit more of  that glow. I used my favourite cream blush of all time Max factor blush in soft pink to add a bit of subtle glow .

Now we are finished with base lets more to eyes  I curled my eyelashes and added my favourite mascara the maybelline colossal volume . Then moved on to my brows brushed then though with a spoolie and then filled them in and defined them with Mua power brow I love this pencil just the right texture for me and the right colour. Then I just finished off with lipstick I gave you two options here both revlon lip butters the frist being strawberry shortcake and the one shown in the picture and the second crème burlee .

And that's it done and dusted so go check out the video above as I said it took my two days to edit and I will see all tomorrow with a weekend post . Enjoy !

bye guys


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