
Hey guys so today I am going to talk to you about my empty products that have used up over the past few months I dont know if I done of these before on my blog or not but let crack on .

So my first empties is the shampoo and conditioner have been using recently and is the Vo5 nourish my shine . This leaves your hair so soft and tangle free it is amazing and it cheap and general on offer I have repurchased this and will continue to do so as I love it.

Stick with body and hair care the next is the sanctuary scrub I am not generally a scrub person but this is so nice a gentle but still does the job .I go this is a Christmas set one year I think I would definitely go back to it but I have others to use up at the moment . Then we move to skin bits my clinque cleansing balm love this but have found cheaper alternative. So will so an updates skin care routine  but if you don't mind spending a bit more is a definite winner removes all make up and doesn't sting eyes. The last skin care item is a toner by biotherm didn't like this at all was too harsh on my skin used most if but not fan would buy again especially not at £15.50.

The last things are just make up bits so my benefit primer love it repurchased don't thing I will ever stop does everything I want a primer to do. My mascara which is my colossal volume you all know I love this and I go three more backs at ready as I always get them when on 3 for 2 . Then finialy the they'er real mascara mini i do like this mascara can see what the hype it about but I prefer my colossal just my opinion but would buy again if I couldn't get my colossal volume

 This is the video that goes with this post feel free to check it out and I will see you all soon with another blog post .I am going to see if I can post every day till the end of the week to squeeze all my four blog posts in seeing as this was meant to be up monday oops how time flys.

bye guys

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