The Body Shop Vitamin E Aqua Boost Sorbet

Hey today I am here with a skincare post I have been trying so new more affordable options from the body shop and this moisturiser is one

This is totally not what expected it was going to be I thought it was going to be like a gel moisturiser wrong and I thought I would be sticky on skin like a gel wrong again . It has a  very unique consistency but it gives a nice glow so get for under make up.

Since I have been using this I have had  so many complements on how radiant I look and i swear it is all down to this cream because I have been wearing no foundation recently . You know  because we all thought phases well I am going though a no base phase.

Overall I am really impressed with it and if you are doubtful because like me gel moistures don't generally work for you then this is nothing like that and I would definitely recommend you give it ago . its only 12 pound and the body shop have £10 off when you spend 25 or so if you have you eye on some definitely would add this to your list also instore when  brought this they were doing 3 for 2 . They have some great deals on at the moment and would definitely recommend check out some of there stuff. I will see you all in my next blog post .  

bye guys

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