Forever Natural Health and Well being

Hey guys so  a work friends sister asked me if I would blog about some products she was selling from Forever Living Products  so this is what I am going to talk you about today so lets crack on .

So she gave me 6 products to try now as you may have gathered from the name which is forever living products the  company focus on natural ingredients there man focus being on the aloe Vera content of the products which target lots of different thing from skincare, hair care ,body care, things to do with weight loss and skin conditions all natural remedies that are made to help you feel better healthier and have more energy and have skin and hair that is soft and soothed  .

The first product I tried was the aloe lotion this is a really nice light moisturiser that sinks in quickly and really leaves you skin feeling moisturised and soft definitely thumbs up plus is suitable for sensitive skin. The second product was scrub now I wouldn't recommend this only because I found every harsh I only used this on my body because of this but I  found it left my skin feel a bit raw and tender it weird because it comes out as a lotion and you rub it in it goes bitty and scrub but this one I think only for hardy skins however once I applied the aloe lotion my skin was soothed just left bit tingly as I said one for hardier skins .Then the third product was the whitening gel if you can stand the smell and taste then this is good product as it does what it says on tin and AFTER toothpaste leaves you teeth feeling clean and look whiter. 

The products that intrigued my most was the shampoo and condition as I have a very sensitive scalp and I can only shampoos and conditioners for a certain amount of time before they make my scalp itchy and irritated. The shampoo is great it lather well it soothed my scalp love it would purchase it again definitely if you a irritated scalp or suffer with eczema in you scalp like try this . The conditioner however didn't do what I want a conditioner to do. I have very thick curly hair and I want my conditioner to smooth and de tangle my hair this did not do this in fact I didn't really feel like it did much at all not for me .I think it maybe a good option if you have oily hair as a light option as I very dry hair so need thicker conditioners  . 

Then finialy we come to the face and hand soap as hand soap nice less drying than others which is good and still does the job it needs to do . As face soap no I didn't like it it left skin look very red after use and it didn't remove any of my make up either . If you have sensitive hands then this would be good as it is less drying and would help if you have any dry patches or eczema on that area on face no not good. 

Overall when I was first approached about this I  was sceptical but now I have tied the products I think there are some here definitely worth your time like the aloe lotion  shampoo and the whiting gel  and some that I think its a case of know your skin do your research and think before you buy. The products I have reviewed  are reasonably price range from £5.75 to £14.75 I will leave the link to the seller here if you interested in know more and I will link her face book also. 

I think I will defiantly be placing order for a few things and she has also so said that she offers first time buyers 15% off  there first orders so if your interested might be worth ago  she also has offer every weekend on her Facebook so make sure your following that. It been a long one today but I hope you have found it helpful and I will see you all tomorrow for another post.

bye guys

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