lipstick of the moment : strawberry shortcake

Hey guys today I am back with lipstick post I mentioned this lipstick in my monthly favourites but I am still loving which means it deserves a post of it own because I change up lipstick daily normally but this one is sticking around. 

Yes as you can see it is Revlon lip butter remember when I used to hate these oh how things change any way I do have to packaging is rather nice if nothing else .

So this like a candy pink colour goes with any make up look you want and give a great shine like most of the lip butter do. This almost seems to have a slight sparkle to it but seems to stay better than other ones I have unless it is just in my head because I love it so much .  It is  very moisturising and it not sticky which I did expect to be because  is glossier than other ones I have used . I am still not sure they are worth hype but this one lovely and hasn't moved out of make up all month they apply nicely and feel nice . I think they would be a good one for beginner to make up.

I have quite few posts lined up you  including some blog ideas I would like to share with you and bit of update so look out that as well some skincare stuff hope to make some videos soon too . See you  in my next post

bye guys

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