My Lip Savoir !

Hey guys as I work in shop which has conditioning and is generally a very dry climate I can get chapped lips at any time doesn't matter the weather .

They can get so chapped not even my carmex can help when this happen the only thing that saves my poor dry split lips it the blistex relief cream. This stuff is amazing over night it works and your lips are ten times smoother and less sore in the morning I have couple of these now and there is always one in my handbag. 

I was so amazed at how quickly it smoothed and soothed my split chapped lips I have never found any thing as good . I use this now every night along with lush lip scrub and my lips have never been as soft in there life. As well as this I have been wearing lipstick less as I find this can make your lips dry and mine just don't need any help in that department . If you work in an air conditioned environment , outside or just generally suffer with dry chapped lips I would recommend this it even works on cold sore and such so very mutifunctional product and definitely very useful to have. 

Thats all for today post if you would like to purchase this product you can get it from boots and I believe it is around 8.99 so not the cheapest but definitely worth it ! I will see you all in my next post 

bye guys 

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