Lipstick of the moment:Mac crème cup

Hey guys so today I am back with a lipstick post I hope that is okay I got this lipstick the other day and haven't stopped wearing it.

Now I realise that crème cup isn't new but I am new to this hole mac lipstick thing and it has been the one I have been wearing the most recently . It is the prefect every day pinky nude I have worn this for interviews, dates all sorts of the thing it so so versatile .

This swatch has not come out the best I am quite disappointed with it  but you can see the colour is definitely your lips but better .  It definitely become part of my everyday lipstick stash I just love it and for £15 it costs I am certain I will get my wear out. Even thought my boyfriend found out he was less than happy but its my money at the end of the day .

Crème cup is a cream sheen so it is quite moisturising on the lips not too dry like the matte lipsticks form mac can be. My advice if you are thinking of investing in a mac lipstick it ask them try it on you so you know what it looks like on you and then you will know if you will get your wear out of it . At the end of the day it is not a £5 lipstick form the drug store that if you only wear it a few times it does matter. Its £15 so make sure you are going to wear it. Overall I am loving Mac lipstick at the moment but all I will say is make sure you will get your wear out of it . 
I hope you enjoyed today post I will again tomorrow at 6 pm for another I am sticking with 6 pm as it working well for me . If you haven't all ready make sure to check out my channel for my last of beauty video I will link here

Bye guys

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