#throwback thursday

Hey today post is a sad one but one I really wanted to write so grab so tissues and a cuppa and we shall to begin.

One year ago tomorrow I lost one of the best pets I have ever had she would wake me up when she wanted food .She would sit on your  pillow so you couldn't go back to sleep and lick your  eyebrows so you couldn't ignore her . She was our cat Sophie she was 14 years old when she died but it was for the best she has cat dementia, a heart problem and enlarged thyroid  . She was the cat that had more than 9 lives so many times we thought we would loose her and we didn't . We think she got hit by a car once we think she went in to shock and wouldn't come out from under my sisters bed for days we thought that was the end but no . She had a stroke and started walking in circles we thought that was then end up no she hung in here . She would sit in the middle of our street and refuse to move for the cars like it was some of challenge but they never got her .

In her 14 years of life she lived to the full trying to hook the filling out of your sandwiches especially if it chicken or turkey she was there. Waking you up for school then steeling the bit you had been sleeping in because it warm. She may be a cat but she was my best friend and there isn't a day I don't miss her and writing this is making  me cry like a baby . But where ever you are Sophie I want to you to know we loved you and we all miss you very much baby girl rest in peace my furry friend .

bye guys

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