Happy New Year !

Hey guys so we now in 2015 wow how time flys so I thought we do the usual blog of a chat up and what changes are going to happen in the new year .

So as you all know I tried to blogmas a failed because I got so busy in life with work and buying car it was manic and stressful . So I think maybe next year I will maybe just try and do the 12 day of christmas that might be more manageable we shall see .

Lets get on with new year and talk about some of my aims for 2015 some personal some blog related I  have had this blog 2 years and I still enjoy it but time never seems to be on my side. I am going to try and do what i was doing at the beginning of the year and that was blogging 3 times a week as I feel that is a manageable amount and I think I can fit that round work.

Next few goals are get decent camera as I have been using my phone for about a year and I am sick of the crappy photos excuse my French so yes a definite goal. My other goal is to do more fashion posts I have said this may times before but I really mean but I need to be not using my phone to do this so they kind of go together.

Now two big personal goals this year and if I achieve them I will be pleased as punch  the first on is to get out of retail. I used to love my job but now everything has changed to much I feel like what I loved which was the customer service aspect has been forgotten and it all about. Now it all seems to be about pushing different services and pushing sales even if the person doesn't want it and that's just not me .

My second big goal is to go back to college and do my make up course.  I have been wanting to this for about 2 years but was never brave enough but this year I am going to do it. I think this year is a good mixture and small and big goals all of witch I feel are achievable.

let me know in comments if you have big goals this year.

bye guys

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