Dolly Box

Hey guys so just before Christmas dolly bow bow or Kate brought out her own dolly box with her 5 picks of jewellery for the season. 

So before I dive in I should probably tell you a bit more about the box at the moment she is going to do the seasonally so 4 boxes a year at £26.99. However this could change she did a video on which I link here if you are interested. Inside is a little note which tells you what kind of pieces are in the box and the theme of the box . So this one symbolises love,unity and diversity but  I just love the quote at the top its so inspiring "she turned her cants in the cans and her dreams in to plans" I love it and it has the potential to be so true . I would just like to mention at this box is currently sold out but I wanted to share it with you guys because I love the concept behind it .  

So seeing as have always struggled to find jewellery I like and can wear regularly I decided to to buy the box . I am so glad I did all the jewellery in it I have found my self wearing and interchanging with all my other day to day pieces the only  thing I cant wear is the bracelet because I have child's wrists and it too big. So think I might turn it in to a necklace on sliver chain as look the mixed metals look . Overall I couldn't be happier with the box and I think it is well worth money as even the statement necklace I have found my self wearing regularly and this box also encourages you to mix your metals. The main reason I am sharing this with is because this basicly  this is all the jewellery I have been wearing since it arrived in mid December. I  think it a great idea to keep you up to with treads and if your not overly confident with jewellery I  think this box is great as someone has already done the hard work for you. I will leave all Kate's links below so you have look but if she does another one which I hope she does I would highly recommend you get one.  

bye guys 

Kate's Links : You Tube / Blog /Shop /Twitter 

all my links are in the side bar 

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