Rant on my blogging fail !

Hey guys so as you know I try to blog on the daily but I really struggle to keep this in balance with reality. 

I love you all and that is why I  blog so often but some times when you have other things to do it is hard to find that balance and half the time my blog gets the battering . Where I can if I know I  have things going on I will schedule posts for you guys but that is not always possible or convenient. 

The problem comes at weekends as I either spend it at my boyfriends or I am doing other family oriented stuff so I am not sure weather it maybe best to drop the weekend posts. I was really upset with my self yesterday as I didn't manage to my fotd Friday because I was filming the makeup I did for my sister when she went out but she came home so late I didn't get chance to get it done . I know  now in hindsight I should  have filmed/prepared another post  incase but I honesty didn't think . 

I was  doing so well with everything and it all wrong I am sorry for having moan but I cant moan on my own blog where can I moan. This blog post is late as well but whatever at least it is up yet again I am sorry for moaning any ideas are welcome I am just putting too much pressure on myself. Hopefully I will see you tomorrow. 

bye guys 

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