Update : Why I Disappeared

Hello all I am back today with an update as I came on at the beginning of December and told you I was coming back then nothing happened and we are now in July but this is why .

My partners nanna passed away and since then we have been sorting stuff out .Also I am 24 and I have changed a lot so I needed to think about what I wanted my blog to be as I am no longer a make up mad teenager . I am adult as much as hate admit that and there other things I would rather share with you even though dont get me wrong still love my make up  .

I also started slimming world at the start of the year and I have lost  a stone so far so I would like to share that with you some of my favourite recipes, tips for staying on track, food hauls and stuff like that. Basically I want the lifestyle room to become more lifestyle which it never quite did.

We are so in process off trying to get on the property ladder  I would like to share some of this with you because it has been eye opening journey so far . People don't tell you how hard it is or where even to start so I would like share parts of this with you not all obviously as it is very personal subject.

Little health update I have  had  a spinal epidural at the being march. It helped with sciatica and other referred pain i get down my legs .I now need another down both legs not looking forward to it but hopefully it will make so I can do more than  can now. I would like to share that journey with you if you don't mind reading .

So that why I appeared and then disappeared again now I am going go clean the bathroom. That's another thing you may see on here cleaning tips and tricks . I am addicted to them see you know your adult when cleaning videos excite you.

signing off now

The lifestyle room 


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