The Netflix Tag

 So I was catching up on blogs and I came across this tag and I new I must do it as I am obsessed with netflix it is the only  thing I watch other than you tube so let crack on 

1) What are you favourite series' to watch on Netflix?

Pretty Little Lairs hands down it is just so easy it to watch you can pick it up and put it down as you please.
2) What are you currently watching on Netflix? 

Pretty Little Liars ,Once Upon A Time under decided on this and 30 rock love this again easy watching and orange is the new black nearly finished watching all three seasons .

3) If you could have any series, old or new, put on Netflix what would it be?

I really wish they put being Erica back on it with all four series as I loved that even when it was in E4 years ago

4) What is your one peeve about Netflix?

That they don't put all series of stuff on it drives me crazy you will find 2 series  on there to then to find there is another two that they haven't put on guurr 

5) What are your essentials for a perfect night in with Netflix?

Chocolate I like the marvellous creations by cadurys and areo or any white chocolate  and crisps the sensations by walkers either roast chicken or sweet chilli omg so tasty.

6) Recommend one series or film for someone.
pretty little liars obviously  lol 

Also can I just say I recently brought a chromecast bad idea if you already have netflix addiction it makes it ten times worse lol .

What are you watching on netflix any recommendations? 

bye guys

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