My Top 3 Things I Love About Blogging

Hey guys so today I am share with the things I love about blogging as over the past few months I had kinda fallen out of blogging and these are the things that have kept me going .

1. The comminty- I am huge social media person and over the past 6 month I have got more involved in the blog community mainly on twitter. I have started to join with alot if the chats and started to connect with more bloggers and I love it . Also you guys your interaction with me in comments on twitter it all makes it worth it. 

2. Creativity- My job doesn't give me a lot of opportunities to be creative but blogging does I have really got in photography since I got my DSLR in January. I love taking photos of things for my blog and also take pics of my pets as well .I might actually do blog post with some of my favourite pet photos if you interested in that let me know . 

3. You can do it any where - There is no restriction with blogging if you cant sleep and its two in the morning you can blog . If your sat on train and inspiration strikes with the wonders of technology you can blog . It great it not like a video where you have to have all the equipment and lighting because you can write anywhere . 

What do you love about blogging ? 

 bye guys 

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