Beauty Tuesday:The essentials haul

Hey guys so you when annoying thing happens when all you skin care and essentials run out at once and you want to cry this happened to me the other week. 

So it mostly skin care which is why i am sharing it with you as i have done a skin care routine in forever so thought this would be a good way of showing you what i am using at the moment . so i am just going to get the random product out the way frist then i will crack on with rest of it . 

the random product is the lee stafford hair growth shampoo now i am not saying this makes your hair grow but it does leave your hair in amazing condition hence why i use it . right  random out the way let crack on with skin care . So I have been using the vitamin E sorbet for about year I  absolutely love it so moisturising I use it day and night it works as both and there is not spf in it so its fine . I also use there serum which I find really help the sorbet to skin in it could all be in my head but I have been using this combo for a year and I really see and feel a difference when I don't do it . 

So seeing as already use this two products and love them I need more cleanser and it was 3 for 2 so I though sod it I will give the cleanser ago . so far so good it cream cleanser and really cleanses your skin with out drying it out . Now I realise that the body shop is a bit more expensive than drugstore skincare but I do think it is well worth it . 

I signed up for there discount card as it was 2.60 thought may as well and I got a free body butter in pink grapefruit it smell divine i love it . it actually encouraging me to moisturise after I have shower because it smells so nice  normally forget come one we have all be there . this smells so good i just have slather it on after a shower and just basque in the smell of grapefruit bliss I sound like a complete and utter werido i know but I don't care it jut smells that good .

So that's is for today folks I will be back Thursday or maybe Friday with other post I haven't decided yet. 

whats your favourite product form the body shop?  let me know  

bye guys

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