Wishlist : Benefit

Hey guys so today I am going to be doing a wish list for you all as I have not done on in ages and went shopping today as will know if you have checked out today video link

all pictures are from here 

I went in for my porefessional which you all know is my favourite primer but while in there one of the counter assistants when I asked where I could pay asked me if she could try some products on me she was really lovely and I will definitely  be buying some of the items she used on me. So lets crack on with the blog post .

So the first thing I want is the big easy BB cream I was interested in this before as I had seen lots of reviews but when the lady tried on me  I was very impressed at how well it matched my skin and how much it evened out my skin tone . Plus it has SPF 35 in it  perfect for summer so this is definitely on my list of things to buy as I love my BB creams in the summer and on the days where I just cant be bothered to wear foundation because let be honest we have those days.

The next thing is there push liner which since I heard about the launch I have been dying to try so when she offered me the chance I bit her hand off. This is as good as they say I was skeptical because I had heard some mixed reviews but even my sister who really struggles with eye liner can use it. so if you struggle with liner  this is definitely one or you.     

The next thing has come on of my wish list a lot but I keep coming back to it so I think I am going to have to give in a get it . Its the Dallas blusher just perfect for the autumn months with a bit of bronzer it is so pretty and I know I will get the use out of it as I do out my hoola and dandelion  box powders.

The last thing is some of there skin care as she used some of it to get of my existing make up off  it feels so nice of the skin so I think I might get there little intro box to try some more of it. This again is something I have heard mixed reviews off but skin care like foundation is some very personal to you as all skin is different.
So that it for today's blog post I will have few more next week as not doing as much overtime at work and I have to say that is one of best make up counter experiences I have had.

bye guys 

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