Dove hair therapy dry shampoo

Hey guys so today is going to be a hair post about  a new dry shampoo I have been using and loving and has also had a quite a lot of hype in the blogging world .

So I have quite a sensitive scalp and because of that I have always stuck to bastie as it didn't make my  head go scaby and sore. However although it did the job I never did like the powdery talc like residue it left in my hair so when I saw this I thought I will give it ago. Its amazing it doesn't hurt my scalp it doesn't leave the powdery almost dirty feeling to your hair and although more expensive it is well worth it . I tried the superdrug dark chocolate brownie once oh my god never again my head was sore red and scaly for weeks after . This £4.59 and is often on three for two so I would grab it then to even out the cost but totally worth it . You can buy this from superdrug although I can't find it online and boots. As I said I would recommend getting it when it on offer but totally worth it  leaves your feeling and looking clean with out the powderiness of bastie and other dry shampoos. I will see in tomorrows blog post. 

bye guys 

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